Technological development gives birth to sophistication characterised by economic growth, social mobility, and cultural expansion. The influence of technological development on health makes human activities easier and more efficient. For example, it helps in the treatment of patients, and many more.
Positive Impact of Technological Development in Health
1. Assisting in Healthcare
The presence of technology can provide convenience for patients. Especially in accessing health information and services. With just a smartphone, patients can access various kinds of health information on the internet. The number of online health services can make it easier for patients to get health services. People can get information, consult with doctors, and even shop for medicines independently.
2. Speeding Up Patient Waiting Hours
Almost all healthcare centres today use technology services. To provide the best service to patients. By utilising online health applications. With that, patients do not have to wait for hours to get a medical examination. Patients can make an appointment in advance. So that it can shorten the patient’s waiting time. And get faster and more precise treatment.
3. Alma Ata’s FKT Helps Doctors Diagnose
Tools used in hospitals can now diagnose the patient’s illness. For example, a stethoscope to observe the heartbeat if there is an abnormality, the doctor can find out quickly. Doctors can determine the disease inside the patient’s body and more accurately. This tool can help doctors detect diseases in patients, and doctors can also provide the treatment needed by patients. So doctors can write appropriate drug prescriptions.
4. Easier Patient Data Storage
Almost every time there are often many patients who come to the hospital for treatment. And the existence of technology will make it easier and more concise to recapitulate patient data. With the development of technology, it is now easier to store patient data and it will not take a long time to enter new data.
5. Reducing COVID-19 Transmission
In addition, technological developments can be used to prevent the spread of one’s disease. For example the Covid-19 pandemic like yesterday. people can also check their health via the Internet or applications. Also information about the classification of Covid-19 infected areas. So that people find it easier to avoid where the disease is higher.
6. Negative Impact of Technology on Health
Besides the positive side, of course, there is also a negative side. Here are some of the bad sides of the impact of technological developments in the field of Health.
Dry Eyes
Using a smartphone for long periods can cause blurred vision and dry eyes and can cause pain in other areas of the body, such as the head, neck, and/or shoulders.
Body Shape
In development, of course, many electronic goods are increasingly widespread, for example smartphones. And what we don’t know is that actually using a smartphone for hours can make our posture become hunched over.
Using technology too close to bedtime can cause insomnia. The cause is the blue light from mobile phones that continues to stimulate the brain. Blue light can disrupt circadian rhythms or body rhythms, making it difficult for someone to sleep. You can also feel less energised the next day. It would be better to rest 2-3 hours before going to bed.
Mazy Activity
Prolonged use of technology can lead to various diseases, including obesity, heart disease, type two diabetes, and death at a young age.
Long interaction with technology will make our bodies sluggish to do activities, thus it is better to utilise technology that encourages exercise productivity. That is one way to reduce behaviours that can trigger diseases.
Confine Yourself
Self-isolation is one of the negative impacts of using technology on the human body. Social media was originally designed to bring people together, but this is not always the case. According to a study, adults aged 19-32 with high social media use are three times more likely to feel socially isolated than those who do not use social media as often.
Depression with Anxiety
Having positive social media interactions will result in low levels of depression and anxiety. Yet the opposite is also true. With negative social media interactions, one will experience high anxiety.
And that’s a review of 11 IMPACTS OF TECHNOLOGY IN HEALTH.
For friends who want to learn more about the world of technology, you can join the best health study programmes at Alma Ata university Yogyakarta”:
Dr. Eng. Khoirul Anwar, S.T., M. Eng. https://anwarkhoirul.staff.telkomuniversity.ac.id/
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