(Author: Fatimah, S.SiT., M.Kes, Lecturer of D3 Midwifery Study Programme, Alma Ata University )
D3 Midwifery Study Programme Alma Ata – 5th Asia-Pacific Partnership on Health and Nutrition Improvement (APHNI) Conference 2023 “Strengthening Health System and Innovations to Improve Population Health” which was held at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Alma Ata University in October 2023 involving faculty members from lecturers and students.
Both lecturers and students of D3 Midwifery Study Programme actively participated in the international seminar as oral presenters. The presenter was Mrs Baiq Rina Wulandari, S.SiT., M.Keb, et al with the title “The Effectiveness of Vaginal Hygiene Health Education on The Knowledge and Attitudes of Adolescents in Bantul Health Vocational Schools”. Secondly, Mrs Restu Pangestuti, S.ST., MKM, et al presented the paper entitled “Determinants of Maternal in Stunting among Children Aged 0-60 months: A scoping review”. Third, Mrs Fatimah, S.SiT., M. Kes et al presented a paper with the title “The Effect of Breast Massage with Breastfeeding and Baby Nutritional Status”. Meanwhile, students of the D3 Midwifery Study Programme, Amelia Hasna Rullita with supervisors Fatimah, S.SiT., M.Kes and doctor Taufik Rahman, Sp. OG presented the paper entitled “Comprehensive Midwifery Care for Pregnant Women with Preeclampsia at the Kasihan 1 Public Health Center, Bantul, Yogyakarta”.