Fundraising Action for Cianjur Earthquake Victims

Fundraising Action for Cianjur Earthquake Victims

Alma Ata S1 Midwifery Study Program – The earthquake disaster hit the residents of Cianjur, on Monday, 21 November 2022. A 5.6 magnitude earthquake shook Cianjur Regency, West Java, causing 58,362 people to be displaced, 268 people died, 1,083 people were injured, and 2,834 houses and buildings were damaged.

Departing from our concern, the S1 Midwifery Students class of 2022, Alma Ata University, took the initiative to make fundraising donations for Cianjur earthquake victims. Fundraising was carried out on Sunday, 26 November 2022, from 07.30 until the end.

Let’s help ease their burden by setting aside DONATIONS for earthquake victims in Cianjur.

The Prophet said;

“Allah will always help a servant as long as that servant helps others.” (HR. Muslim)

No matter how small the amount given, it will help those in need. Hopefully, every donation that is deposited will be a reward for all of us and become happiness for all those who receive it.

By: Muafiqoh Dwiarini, S.ST., M.Sc, Ns-Mid

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