Establishment of adolescent Posyandu in Gunungpolo with Nursing Professional Students from Alma Ata University

Establishment of adolescent Posyandu in Gunungpolo with Nursing Professional Students from Alma Ata University

Establishment of adolescent Posyandu in Gunungpolo with Nursing Professional Students from Alma Ata University



Study Program S1 Nursing Science at Alma Ata University – Praise and gratitude to the almighty Allah SWT for bestowing his blessings and guidance, enabling us to successfully conduct this community service initiative. The adolescent Posyandu represents a manifestation of community-based health efforts (UKBM) managed and organized by, for, and with the community, specifically involving adolescents in the implementation of health development. The goal is to empower the community and facilitate access to health services for adolescents, ultimately enhancing their health status and promoting healthy living skills among them.”

The objective of the Adolescent Posyandu is to enhance the involvement of adolescents in the planning, execution, and assessment of Posyandu activities geared towards improving Adolescent Health and Life Skills Education (PKHS). It seeks to advance adolescents’ knowledge and skills in reproductive health, mental health awareness, and substance abuse prevention. Furthermore, it aims to expedite efforts to address adolescent malnutrition, promote physical activity, conduct early detection and prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), and foster awareness among adolescents regarding violence prevention. The target demographic for Adolescent Posyandu activities encompasses adolescents aged 10-18, irrespective of educational and marital status, including those with disabilities. The implementation focuses on healthcare professionals, Village/Urban Government entities (encompassing community and religious leaders, community organizations, etc.), adolescent program coordinators, families, the community, and adolescent health cadres. The positive impact of the Adolescent Posyandu extends beyond adolescents, providing valuable assistance to families and the wider community.”

The establishment of the adolescent Posyandu in Gunungpolo Hamlet, in collaboration with Professional Nursing Students from Alma Ata University, took place on Thursday, May 19, 2022, at the Gunungpolo Village Hall.

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