Diperlukan Sistem Manajemen untuk Penerjemahan, Penjabaran, dan Pelaksanaan Renstra RS secara Konkrit, Detil, Koheren, Logis/Rasional dan Bersistem. Agar Manajemen RS mampu melayani dengan Kendali Mutu dan Kendali Biaya. Tujuan Strategic Organizing untuk menata struktur organisasi agar Line of Authority-nya dapat memudahkan implementasi strategi yang dipilih. dan  menata proses organisasi berjalan efektif dan sinergis dalam penerjemahan, penjabaran dan pelaksanaan Renstra. Sedangkan tujuan penerjemahan strategi ke taktik untuk menjabarkan strategi yang telah ditetapkan jadi Koridor yang Action–Oriented bagi Manajemen Level Tengah dan Bawah dan untuk mengkonkritkan strategi sesuai dengan jenis dan ukuran kinerja pusat pertanggungjawaban yang dibebankan pada manajemen level tengah dan bawah.

Perlu Adanya Penerapan Jargon–Jargon Penting Untuk Implementasi Renstra Rumah Sakit:

  1. Mission = The principal services delivered or products provided by hospital to its target customers and markets. Mission represents the hospital’s existence in its markets. Mission can also be the geographical area within which the hospital intends to concentrate.
  2. Vision = A snapshot of the future that the hospital (leader) wants to create.
  3. Strategy = The chosen way or direction or policy for winning competition in acquiring, fulfilling, and maintaining targeted market segments and their Strategy needs to be shared among hospital personnel to generate its behavior patterns in responding the competition.
  4. Tactics are the actual means used to win competition and gain an objective, while strategy is the overall campaign plan.
  5. Programs are the products/services created by the organization along with other important projects to realize its mission.
  6. Budget is the dollarizing of business plan.
  7. Key Success Factor = A competitive skill or asset which demanded by the market or required to compete successfully.
  8. Competition = Other (similar) hospitals or products/services or substitutes that cater the same customers/market segments that the hospital focusing.
  9. Core Competence = The combination of individual technologies & production skills that underlie an organization’s myriad product/service lines.

“Management is about human beings. Its task is to make people capable of joint performance, to make their strengths effective dan their weaknesses irrelevant. Strategy without Tactics is the slowest route to victory and Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.

“Manajemen adalah tentang manusia. Tugasnya adalah membuat orang mampu melakukan kinerja bersama, membuat kekuatan mereka lebih efektif dan menjadikan kelemahan mereka tidak berarti. Strategi tanpa Taktik adalah rute paling lambat menuju kemenangan dan Taktik tanpa strategi adalah kebisingan sebelum kekalahan”.

Oleh: Sumarni, SKM., MARS

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