Quality Assurance organization Ners Profession Program

Alma Ata University

The effective and efficient governance foundation, encompassing all elements, functions, and roles within the Nursing Profession Program at Alma Ata University, is rooted in the Noble Values of Higher Education, Organizational Governance, and the implementation of Internal and External Quality Assurance Systems.

Organization Structure :

  1. At the university level, it is led by the Rector with three deputies overseeing the Academic Director, Resources Director, and Student Affairs Director. Alma Ata University consists of four faculties, including the Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Education and Teaching Sciences, Faculty of Economics and Business, and Faculty of Computer and Engineering.
  2. At the Faculty of Health Sciences, Alma Ata University comprises 7 academic programs, including 1) Clinical Psychology (PSIK), 2) Nursing (programs 1 and 2 amalgamated into the Professional Nursing Program), 3) Nutrition (S-1), 4) Midwifery (D-3), 5) Pharmacy (S-1), 6) Hospital Administration, and 7) Midwifery (S-1). The organizational structure at the university level aims for systematic, effective, and efficient governance.
  3. At the level of the Professional Nursing Program within Alma Ata University, functioning as a unit under the university’s administration, the program is equipped with an organizational structure for effective program management. The program is overseen by a Head of the Program, assisted by a Program Secretary. The Quality Assurance Cluster is headed by a Quality Assurance Coordinator, and coordination for academic and professional stages involves a Professional Coordinator, Academic Learning Coordinator, Student Affairs and Alumni Coordinator, and Research and Community Service Coordinator. The roles, responsibilities, and authorities outlined in the organizational structure are stipulated in the Quality Management (QM), Quality Procedures (QP), and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). In an effort to maintain Credibility, Transparency, Accountability, Responsibility, and Fairness, the selection of personnel for program positions follows established criteria and procedures.

As part of the strategy to realize the program’s Vision and Mission, the head program’s leadership should embody operational leadership principles. This entails effectively implementing the program’s vision and mission into operation, exercising organizational leadership to coordinate all activities within the program, and demonstrating public leadership by actively participating in professional activities and serving as an information source.

Quality Culture of the University and the Professional Nursing Program at Alma Ata University Yogyakarta

The implementation of Internal and External Quality Assurance is a central focus at both the institutional and program levels within Alma Ata University. This is aimed at ensuring effective governance and meeting all standards for student services. Alma Ata University’s commitment is materialized through the establishment of 1) the Quality Assurance Office of Alma Ata University (KJM Alma Ata) and 2) the Quality Assurance Cluster of the Professional Nursing Program (GJM Prodi Ners).

  1. The Quality Assurance Office ensures the integration of quality assurance processes at the program level with those at the university level. At the university level, the internal quality assurance institution, known as the Quality Assurance Unit or the Quality Assurance Office (KJM), was established on February 9, 2009, according to Act.Rector Decree No. 101/AKAD/Act.Rector/AA/II/2009. Members of the KJM are drawn from the various existing study programs.
  2. The Quality Assurance Group (GJM) functions as the coordinator for internal quality assurance at the program level. GJM’s primary responsibilities include establishing internal quality standards and conducting training programs to enhance the instruments in line with standardization. The execution of Internal Quality Assurance in the Ners Program adheres to the Quality Guidelines documented as PM-AA-PT-823. These guidelines govern the implementation of Internal Audits for every work unit and relevant parties involved in academic services at Alma Ata University. Essentially, the quality assurance system in the Ners Program is seamlessly integrated with the quality assurance system at Alma Ata University. The quality assurance instruments, presented as documents, encompass (1) Quality Manual, (2) Quality Policy, (3) Quality Objectives, (4) Quality Procedures, (5) Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), (6) Forms, and (7) Statutory and Regulatory documents systematically recorded within the quality assurance system.

In addition to the University’s Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI-PT), Alma Ata University also engages in external quality assurance through ISO 9001:2008 certification. Concerning the implementation of the ISO system, Alma Ata has obtained ISO 9001:2008 certification from a credible independent institution through periodic external audit activities to monitor the sustainability and consistency of the applied quality system.

The principle developed in the quality assurance system in the Nursing Study Program is Plan, Do, Check and Action (PDCA). All activities in organizing the Nursing Study Program are framed in Kaizen PDCA which begins with planning through the preparation of quality system documents, implementation based on the planned documents, checking through internal quality audits and follow-up by taking preventive corrective actions for non-conformities which are then reviewed through management reviews ( management review). This PDCA cycle is always ensured to run and strive towards continuous improvement.

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