A mandatory curriculum review is undertaken every five years by the professional nursing program at Alma Ata University (Bachelor of Nursing and Professional Nursing Program), reflecting an ongoing commitment to enhancement. The development of the new curriculum by the program’s curriculum team aligns with the guidelines of the National Higher Education Standards (SNPT) and the Indonesian Nursing Education Institutions Association (AIPNI). The review process, aimed at formulating the new 2015 curriculum, involves a multi-stage approach. This encompasses initial brainstorming sessions with stakeholders, a meticulous examination of SNPT and AIPNI regulations of a draft curriculum, and subsequent workshops featuring Dr. Fitri Harianti, M.Kes (Coordinator of the Curriculum Division at AIPNI). The implementation of the 2015 curriculum is poised to produce graduates from the Professional Nursing Study Program with competencies to navigate global challenges.


YEAR 2013

YEAR 2012

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