Vision & Mission




  • Vision Mission 


In 2035, it will become an excellent study programme in the field of maternal and child nutrition as well as nutrition-related noncommunicable disease that is independent, globally competitive, and contributes to the development of the nation’s welfare and world civilisation based on Islamic and Indonesian national values.

Explanation of Vision :

This study programme excels in maternal-child health and non-communicable diseases. This excellence refers to the UAA Research Master Plan and is reflected in the curriculum structure of the study programme. Study materials related to nutrition and maternal-child health are specifically studied in the Maternal and Child Nutrition Block, while study materials related to non-communicable diseases are studied in the Adulthood Nutrition & NCDs Block and the Geriatric Nutrition Block. In addition, students and lecturers of the Nutrition science study programme are also actively involved in the Maternal-Child Nutrition and Health Surveillance System (SSG-KIA) which is a flagship activity of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Alma Ata University. Research and community service activities carried out are also prioritised in these two superior fields to help support the achievement of the study program vision.


  1. Conducting education, research, and community service activities (Tri Dharma of Higher Eduction) in the field of maternal-child health and non-communicable diseases that are of high quality and globally competitive, based on Islamic and Indonesian national values, and contributes to the development of national welfare and world civilization.
  2. Implementing and harmonizing the academic system and atmosphere within the UAA Bachelor of Nutrition study programme conducive to the realisation of a quality culture in the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education through the development of good university governance gradually and continuously.
  • Objectives
  1. Producing graduates of Nutrition Professionals who are competent, professional, globally competitive, have noble character, and uphold Indonesian national values.
  2. Conducting research and community service in the field of nutrition that can directly or indirectly improve the welfare of the Indonesian people and is meaningful for the development of the nation’s welfare and world civilisation.
  3. Implementing a conducive academic atmosphere within the Nutrition Study Programme for the implementation of quality Tri Dharma activities.
  4. Implementing a governance system within the Nutrition Study Programme based on the principles of good university governance (GUG).
  • Goals
  1. To realise the strategic goal of producing nutrition graduates who are competent, professional, globally competitive, noble, and uphold the values of Indonesian Nationality, strategic targets are set :
    • Increasing the quantity and quality of students;
    • Increasing the quantity and quality of teaching and education resources;
    • Improving the quality of the learning system based on the latest research results;
    • The integration of Islamic religious values rochmatan lil-alamien, leadership, interprofessional cooperation, and national values in a renewable education curriculum;
    • Increased independence of study programmes;
    • Increased percentage of graduates who pass the national competency test;
    • Increased absorption of graduates by the national labour market and initiating the international labour market;
    • Increased graduates who behave professionally and have noble character.
  2. To realise the strategic goal of carrying out research and community service in the field of nutrition that can directly or indirectly improve the welfare of the Indonesian people and be meaningful for the development of world civilisation, strategic targets are set :
    • Increase the quantity and quality of research and community service (P2M);
    • Increase the number of P2M funded by external parties;
    • Increase the quantity and quality of P2M cooperation with government or private institutions and the industrial world;
    • Increase the quantity and quality of scientific publications;
    • Increase the quantity and quality of intellectual property rights.
  1. To realise the strategic objectives in implementing an academic atmosphere conducive to the implementation of quality Tri Dharma activities of higher education, strategic targets are set such as:
    • Peningkatan kepuasan terhadap layanan akademik;
    • Peningkatan atmosfir akademik di lingkungan Prodi S1 Gizi;
  1. To realise the strategic objectives in implementing a governance system based on the principles of good university governance (GUG), strategic targets are set, which are:
    • Accreditation of Bachelor of Nutrition Study Programme;
    • Increased accomplishment in providing adequate academic facilities;
    • Increased amount of funds and sources of funds for the development of academic activities, infrastructure, and human resources;
    • Increased accomplishment of milestones for the realisation of good university governance in the institutional management system of Alma Ata University;
    • Increased accomplishment of milestones for developing a conducive academic atmosphere.
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