STOP Sexual Violence on Campus, Hereโ€™s How!

STOP Sexual Violence on Campus, Hereโ€™s How!

Bachelor of Midwifery Study Programme of Alma Ata โ€“ Data from the Ministry of PPPA (Women Empowerment and Child Protection) in 2022 conveyed an increase in cases of sexual violence against children in educational units in Indonesia over the past four years. Based on the data, victims of sexual violence reached 21,221 people. To reduce the number of sexual violence against children in schools, the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture held a dialogue with several ministries/institutions. Representatives from the Ministry of Education and Culture, KPAI, Ministry of Religious Affairs, Police Criminal Investigation Unit, and PGRI were involved.

Sexual harassment cases can happen anywhere. Even in educational environments, such as schools and universities. According to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) as reported by, 77% of lecturers admitted that sexual violence had occurred and 63% of sexual harassment cases on campus were never reported. Thus, there needs to be an effort from students, lecturers, and university leaders to prevent it. Those are described as follows:

1. Establishment of Sexual Harassment Task Force

At present, many campuses have begun to form a Sexual Violence Prevention and Handling Task Force (PPKS) by paying attention to Permendikbudristek Number 30 of 2021 concerning the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Harassment in the Higher Education Environment. Thus, cases of sexual violence in the campus environment can be reduced and handling is carried out according to procedures so that there are no instances of mutual judgement.

2. Tightening meetings between lecturers and students

Often cases of sexual harassment are committed by lecturers and/or students. For this reason, the campus must tighten meeting permissions among students, lecturers, and education personnel without the approval of the head of the study programme. Especially if the meeting is held outside the campus area or campus operating hours, then approval from the campus is very important.

3. Sexual Harassment Prevention Campaign

Campaigning is a good way to prevent sexual harassment. Currently, many organisations on campus have work programs in sexual violence prevention campaigns. Campaigns can be in the form of dissemination programmes related to handling sexual harassment, providing contact assistance, and zero tolerance for perpetrators of sexual harassment on campus. With this campaign, the campus can encourage victims to report their sexual violence cases.

4. Other precautions

Some other precautions that you can take include:

  • Avoid being alone with lecturers, other students, education personnel, or other campus staff in quiet, and dark places.
  • For final-year students, try to do thesis consultation in an official room, such as a lecturerโ€™s room or a public place. Students can also consult online. Avoid consulting in quiet and dark places.
  • Avoid meeting with lecturers and education staff outside of lecture hours, unless approval has been obtained from the head of the study programme.
  • If you feel it is important to meet off campus or outside of class hours, then try to get a friend or trusted person to accompany you.
  • Try to be ethical when sending messages to lecturers. Students should never confide in personal problems.
  • If there are lecturers and education personnel who send long messages that are not related to campus affairs, respond only as needed.
  • If there are vulgar jokes made by lecturers or education personnel, point out that it is uncomfortable/inappropriate.
  • Forms of action, such as embracing, hugging, holding unnatural hands, groping, stroking, poking, and other physical gestures that are not reasonable should not be done by students, lecturers, and education staff.
  • If asked by lecturers, education personnel, or other students to hold genitals or certain body parts, try to refuse and reprimand them. If forced to do so, scream, ask for help, or report it.
  • Always be vigilant and do not let your guard down. Students must maintain good manners and not be too sceptical of others.


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