Traditional medicines are materials or ingredients consisting of plant materials, animal materials, mineral materials, galenic preparations or mixtures of these materials that have been hereditary studies used for experiential trials. Traditional medicine is divided into 3 groups: Herbal medicine, Standardised Herbal Medicine, and Phytopharmaceuticals.ย
We as consumers are not aware of the content of traditional medicine ingredients on the market. Many traditional medicines are produced using basic ingredients and additives so that the efficacy of these traditional medicines can be absorbed by the body optimally and efficaciously. Unfortunately, not all of these ingredients have a clear halal status.
On July 8, 2021, UAA Pharmacy Study Program in collaboration with BPOM Yogyakarta and Prof. Dr. Nurfina Aznam, SU, Apt held an online expert lecture on the halal aspects of traditional medicine. Prof. Dr. Nurfina Aznam, SU, Apt is a resource person in this activity who works as a lecturer as well as the owner of the traditional medicine business An-Nuur Herbal Indonesia. She said that 3 critical points determine the halalness of traditional medicine, which include: 1) the process and isolation of materials through extraction, 2). Fermentation processes and materials, 3). The use of supporting materials (excipients). In addition, other things become critical points, such as in the aspects of the production process, packaging, storage, and distribution that can guarantee the prevention of cross-contamination of haram materials into halal herbal medicines.
She explained examples of materials that are forbidden to be used in the process of making traditional medicines. Some preparations whose basic ingredients are not allowed in the manufacture of traditional medicines because of their halal haram aspects are Gelatin and Glycerin from pigs which are often used as capsule wrapping materials, alcohol as a solvent for cough medicine, human placenta which is used as a breast milk facilitator and anti-aging in cosmetics, and enzymes from pigs as a medium for the vaccine manufacturing process. Products that use raw materials from humans or haram animals, according to the MUI fatwa, are considered haram.ย
Be a smart consumer and be careful in choosing traditional medicine. Keep our immunity strong by consuming halal Indonesian traditional medicine. With halal traditional medicine, we will not only get healing but also get the blessing of Allah SWT.