Collection of Natural Remedies for Anosmia

Collection of Natural Remedies for Anosmia

Alma Ata Pharmacy Study Programme – Anosmia is a condition when the nose cannot smell odours or the sense of smell is insensitive. When the nose cannot smell, the quality of life of an instant also decreases. Anosmia sufferers cannot smell the aroma of food, it is difficult to smell flowers or perfume, to not realise the danger of fire or gas leaks.

Anosmia occurs when the nerves in charge of sending signals from the nose to the brain face destruction. Triggers for anosmia can be nasal congestion, sinus problems, tumours near the olfactory nerve, brain injury, or COVID-19. For COVID-19 anosmia, the state of not being able to smell can last from days to months. Anosmia often affects appetite. As a result, sufferers can become deprived of appetite, malnourished, or frustrated. For those of you who are struggling with anosmia, some odourless nose treatments can be tried at home.

Here are some natural anosmia remedies:

  1. Smell training is one of the reliable natural anosmia remedies. This exercise uses 4 types of items that have a strong scent at home. You can also use essential or essential oils to make it more instant. The method of curing loss of smell with odour training is quite instant. Simply concentrate and inhale or smell 4 different scents, each for 20 seconds. Do the smell exercise 3 times a day. Within 6 weeks, generally the loss of smell can be cured.
  2. Ginger The gingerol content can bring out the strong aroma of ginger. This natural ingredient can also be used to help overcome a nose that can’t smell. You can use ginger for odour training, along with 3 other different types of scents. Not only that, drinking ginger brew can help relieve infections, as well as alleviate nasal congestion that can sometimes lead to loss of smell. The method of preparing ginger tea is quite simple. Peel the ginger as needed, lightly crush it, then steep it in hot water for 15 minutes.
  3. Lemon contains vitamin C, antioxidants, and antimicrobial substances that can be used as a natural remedy. Like ginger and mint leaves, you can use lemon for odour training, along with 3 other different types of scents. Not only that, drink a glass of warm water with a little lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey. Drink this lemon brew 2 times a day to soothe the oesophagus and help cure anosmia.
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