(Author: Restu Pangestuti, S.ST., MKM, Lecturer of D3 Midwifery Study Programme, Alma Ata University )

D3 Midwifery Study Programme of Alma Ata – Antenatal classes are a health promotion effort of the Indonesian Government to prevent maternal and infant mortality. The Indonesian government began implementing the Antenatal classes program in 2009. The programme aims to improve pregnant women’s understanding of pregnancy, the use of antenatal care (ANC) and postnatal family planning services, and to increase awareness of infectious diseases. The target population for the classes is pregnant women between 22-36 weeks gestation. Each class consists of a maximum of 10 pregnant women and is facilitated by midwives or health workers who have received training in pregnancy classes (Azhar et al., 2020).

Schematic of Antenatal Class Implementation Activities

Preparation for the implementation of Antenatal classes starts with identifying/registering all pregnant women in the working area. This is intended to determine the number of pregnant women and their gestational age to determine the number of participants in each class and how many classes will be developed within a certain period, for example, for one year. Prepare a place and facilities for conducting classes for pregnant women, for example at the Puskesmas or Polindes, Village Office/Meeting Hall, Posyandu, or at the home of a community member. Use learning facilities, mats/carpets, cushions, and others if available.

Pregnant women’s class meetings are conducted 3 times during pregnancy or according to the results of the facilitator’s agreement with the participants. At each meeting, the materials to be delivered are adjusted to the needs and conditions of pregnant women but still prioritise the main material.

The last meeting of the pregnant women’s class was conducted by pregnant women’s exercise. Pregnancy exercise is an extra activity/material in the class of pregnant women. Pregnant women who have been given pregnant gymnastics material are expected to be able to practice independently at home. The meeting time is adjusted to the readiness of the mothers, it can be done in the morning or afternoon with a meeting time of 120 minutes including 15 – 20 minutes of pregnant exercises.

It is important for pregnant women to attend Antenatal classes. Besides gaining knowledge about the health of pregnant women, pregnant women can also self-monitor the condition of their pregnancy.

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