Teaching and learning activities in the Professional Nurse Study Program of the University of Alma Ata emphasize a pleasant academic atmosphere and fulfill the principle of renewal. The University Campus of Alma Ata is known as the “Green Land Campus” because of the comfort of the environment and supporting factors for student learning. Teaching and learning activities in the Professional Nurse Study Program at the University of Alma Ata emphasize a pleasant academic atmosphere and fulfill the principle of renewal. Lecturers at the University of Alma Ata Professional Study Program are friends, facilitators, and parents for all students. Through the Student-Centered Learning approach, student needs will vary greatly. The concept of family-like supports developed by our study program has built better communication between lecturers and students. NERS PROFESSIONAL STUDY PROGRAMWelcome to the Professional Study Program of the University of Alma Ata
Professional Nurse study programs have been accredited B by LAM PT-kes
You want to be a Professional Nurse? Lets Join us..The UAA Nursing Study Program successively passes 100% national competency test for its graduates and occupies the first rank passing the competency test among private and state tertiary institutions in DIY.
Registration of UAA Nursing Study Program will be closed at any time after the quota has been fulfilled.
Testimoni Alumni
T he higher education curriculum (KPT), in accordance with the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI), has been established by AIPNI as a university associate for the Indonesian education sector, clarifying the position of Nursing education study programs which are required to appear professional when providing nursing care and be able to collaborate with various parties so that the services provided are carried out comprehensively and can meet basic needs, including biological, psychological, sociological and spiritual needs of clients.
Nimas Arum S, S.Kep.,Ns (Perawat RS. Awal Bros Bogor)
Terimakasih kepada Alma Ata, karena berkat didikan dosen-dosen Alma Ata saya bisa bersaing di dunia kerja dan alhamdulillah mendapat kerja sesuai dengan impian saya. Maju terus Alma Ata.
Nimas Arum S, S.Kep.,Ns
Gilang Ramadhan, S.Kep.,Ns (PNS Perawat Bakamla โ Badan Keamanan Kelautan Makassar)
Tidak rugi saya kuliah di Universitas Alma Ata. Semua dosennya profesional dan sangat aplikatif dalam memberikan materi pembelajaran. Dan hasilnya luar biasa, saya bisa menjadi seorang perawat profesional di Kantor Bakamla. Terimakasih bapak ibu dosen.
Gilang Ramadhan, S.Kep.,Ns
Isman Susanto, S.Kep,.Ns (Asdos dan Koordinator Praktikum Prodi Ners UAA)
โProgram S1 dan Ners Universitas Alma Ata Yogyakarta sangat fokus untuk membantu dan mangarahkan Mahasiswa menjadi kompeten di bidangnya. Sistem pengajaran dan pembimbingannya sangat professional. Di samping itu, lingkungan dan fasilitas untuk kuliah sangat mendukung mahasiswa dalam pengembangan kompetensi secara efektif. Hal yang sangat positif untuk mengambil program S1 keperawatan di UAA adalah jaminan untuk lulus dengan hasil yang memuaskan dan kesiapan dalam berkompetisi di dunia kerja."
Isman Susanto, S.Kep.,Ns.