Cost International Learning Experience (2 semester) Cost of International Learning experience depend on destination University Facilities ALMA ATA INTERNATIONAL NURSING PROGRAM FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCE Background The year of 2016 was the beginning of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) AEC is the realization of economic integration in South East Asia Region to improve the economic stability and strengthen economic area among ASEAN countries. Indonesian government has prepared a strategic plan to deal with AEC by improving the quality of human resources in health sector, especially nurses. Demand for nursing profesionals for midle east countries, Australia, and America sparked Indonesia to prepare professional nurses who are able to compete internationally. With G-to-G program from Indonesia government, University of alma ata Yogyakarta proudly present international nursing class (Alma Ata International Nursing Program) for Indonesia citizens who are dedicated to be a professional nurse with international knowledge and skill. Learning Process Alma Ata International Nursing Program (AAINP) will be completed in two levels. Eight semesters for bachelors degree and one semesters intership level. Learing process be delivered in English. International Learning Experience The AAINP students will engape in international learning process. This program provides multicultural learning environments leading to insight networking for participants. Our Lecturers academic test by computer based test (CBT) penerimaan minat dan kemampuan raport (PMDK-R) penerimaan minat dan kemampuan ujian Nasional (PMDK-UN) penerimaan Bibit Unggul Daerah (PBUD) one copy of legalized student car of SMA/SMK/MA one copy of identity card (KTP/Kartu Keluarga) one photo, size 4×6 with read background ( Soft file) Attachment for special group : One copy of legalized rapport for semester 4-5 (minimal score of 7or 3,0 for “curriculum of 2013” For PMDK-R) One copy of legalized SKHUN (For PMDK-UN) One copy of award certification (For PBUD) The minimum das participants must be 15 students or coming to Alma Ata Campus directly Verivication of PMDK-R/PMDK-UN/PBUD (non-written test only) Interview Announcement Admission Schedule
International Program (IDR)
Institutional fee
Institutional fee per credit
Shodaqoh Jariyah
Learning process using curriculum
Dormitory with islamic environment
Representative Classroom
National and international networking
Theater room
International academic Environment
ALTC (Alma Ata Language Training Center)
Language and skills laboratory facilities
LPBA (Lembaga Pelatihan Baca Tulis Al-Qur’an)
Professional lecturer
AAMC (Alma Ata Medical Center)
Food Court
Greenland hotspot area
Aplly online by visiting our website
Academic test (for written test)
Pay registration fee to the bank by using virtual account
Pay physical test fee (application who passes Academic test and verivication)
Complete and print out the personal data of application on
Physical test at Alma Ata Medical Center
Final registration
Special group
01 nov 2019 to 10 juni 2020
One day service
After completing test :
5 days after announcement
1st group
11 januari 2020 to apr 2020
1. academic test by CBT
2nd group
21 Apr 2020 to 22 juni 2020
2. Physical test
3rd group
23 jun 2020 to 31 agus 2020
3. drug-free test interview