Farmasi Inggris

Welcome to the University of Alma Ata Pharmacy Study Program

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

The University of Alma Ata Bachelor of Pharmacy Study Program was established based on the Decree of the Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education No. 194 / KPT / I / 2015 and together with changes in the form of STIKES Alma Ata becoming the University of Alma Ata.

The presence of the Alma Ata Bachelor of Pharmacy Study Program is expected to contribute to the challenges of the global era competitively in the world of advanced work. The Indonesian people are not only required to be able to compete with domestic human resources, but also human resources from various parts of the world in the current era, Industrial Revolution 4.0.


By 2040, the UAA pharmacy study program will be a superior study program in the field of autonomous community pharmacy clinics and natural ingredients, able to compete at the ASEAN level, and contribute to the development of the welfare of the nation and the world based on national Indonesian and Islamic values.

According to data from the center of planning and utilization of health workers as of January 2014, Indonesia experienced a shortage of  8791 personnel in terms of pharmaceutical workers in the health center and hospital. This illustrates that pharmaceutical workers have very large number of employment opportunities.

Bachelor of Pharmacy Study Program graduates are expected to be able to have a career working in and/or a role in society as:
  1. Community Pharmacists (Pharmacy, Health Center)
  2. Hospital Pharmacy
  3. Government Agencies (POM Agency, Health Office, Pharmacy Warehouse, Defense and Security)
  4. Drug Industry
  5. Traditional Medicines Industry (IoT), Traditional Medicine Small Industries (IKOT), Traditional Medicine Small Enterprises (UKOT)
  6. Pharmaceutical Wholesalers (PBF)



Our program is superior in the field of community clinical pharmacies and natural ingredients. This is reflected in the competency of graduates from the Undergraduate Pharmacy Study Program at Alma Ata, where they become experts in the field of community clinical pharmacies, as well as experts in the field of natural pharmaceutical ingredients. Courses that support clinical pharmacy and community specialization are: Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Care, IEC, Surveillance 1 and 2, Public Health Practices, Self-medication, Pharmacotherapy, Pharmacology, Pharmacoepidemiology, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacology, Public Health, Prescriptions, Prescription Science, Interaction Drugs.

Courses that support specialization of natural ingredients are: Pharmaceutical Botanicals, Herbal Medicines, Pharmacognosy, Phytochemicals, Phytotherapy, Self-medication, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Biotechnology, Microbiology.


UAA Pharmacy has the power to produce graduates who are independent and globally competitive, and all graduates of the University of Alma Ata Pharmacy must be able to speak a foreign language with a minimum AAEPT score (University of Alma Ata English Proficiency Test) of 450. Students are supported by English courses with TOEFL training. In addition, native speakers from the United States teach in English courses.


The learning system in the pharmacy study program has focused on IPE (interprofesional education) where students partake in learning activities on campus and in practicums together with other study programs at UAA and at UAA Fikes in particular.

Rahmatan Lil'alamin

Based on Islamic values, it is reflected in the competence of graduates who demonstrate intrapersonal and interpersonal behavior according to the teachings of Islam that are Rohmatan lil’alamin (mutual love, tolerance, and not radical). The supporting courses are Islamic Studies I and II and the integration of Islamic values in each subject.

Learning Methods

Learning Methods of the Undergraduate Pharmacy Study Program

Lecturers & Instructors

Lecturers and Instructors of the Bachelor of Pharmacy Study Program


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